Thursday, January 27, 2011

Paul Frank My Friend

Love the Paul Frank monkey on the butt.

Hmmm....Baby Toys
The activity gyms are awesome. They keep a baby engaged for up to 30 minutes easy, or at least for my baby. It can be quite expense for baby toys like this, $75, but worth it. The one in this picture is from Baby Einstein and it can be used for up to 3 years old. One thing is that my baby drools on the mat all the time so it's important to clean frequently. Also, the hanging toys are some of my baby's favorite. Like the panda, and the tiger coin.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Down for the count!

(Wrestling Babies)

Calleigh got this baby doll from her Uncle Andy. It's a bit freaky. Press on its belly and it laughs. Press again and it says "I love you!" As freaky as it is to me, Calleigh smiles when she spends time with the baby. When I look into the doll's eyes, I think of that movie "Chucky".

Hmm.. Baby Toys

I realize that sometimes, buying new toys isn't necessary for a baby because sometimes they find the simplest things amusing. For example, Calleigh has a toy book with a page that when crumpled, makes a sound like a candy wrapper. Well, during her changing sessions, she loves to grab at her baby wipes package just to make the crumpling sound and it keeps her interested. Just the other day, I realized she really likes playing with my iPad, especially with applications that are interactive. It kept her entertained for 20 or so minutes.

Warning: At 7 months old, baby's usually want to put anything and everything in their mouth. So even though it make be fun to make any old object a toy, make sure it is safe!

(Baby to Baby Love)

Friday, January 21, 2011

Park Kowloon

There's a park across the street that I've been meaning to take CJ to for weeks. It didn't look too inviting from the outside but it's really a great place to hang out. The park is huge with water fountains, an outdoor public pool that looks like a design from a resort, lots of feathered friends in cages and some not, like flamingos, a McDs AND, along a pathway, a McDs cart selling deserts.

CJ really enjoyed the water fountains, once she got over the fear that the water droplets falling on her head were not harmful. One other thing to note is that they have an area with free WIFI. Asia really knows how to bring technology to good use.

Interesting: Caught a sign describing the tree that stood nearby. Enough said.

To make my post more interesting, I'm going to thrown in a "Parenting Tip or Note" with each of my posts, which I'll subhead as "Hmm.."

Hmm.. - Buying: Clothes
Old Navy can be an inexpensive way to dress up your kids. Although, I have paid non-sale prices for some of their items which I really don't think was worth the money. The shirt Calleigh is wearing at the park is from Old Navy, size 6-12 months. Calleigh is 7 months and about 13-14 LBS (overall 10% on doc's growth chart) and the shirt fits with just a little slack. Shrinkage? Sure there must have been some. But the one thing that annoyed me is the difficulty in putting it on her. The material just doesn't give much. It's not like my kid has a larger than average head or super long monkey arms. But by the time Calleigh is 8-9 months, I'll have to cut a V at the neck and at 12 months, I expect for some belly to be showing. So here are my notes:
  • Always account for shrinkage, especially if it is cotton, so buy a larger size
  • Only buy on sale, unless you don't care about saving money or you have to have it
  • You get what you pay for. Most of the materials used are not that soft.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Another Day

Mom being away for business, I had to take care of Boog's for a few days. The first couple of days I was sick and slept every time Calleigh slept. In fact, I think she slept longer because I've seen her wake up and look and me and go back to sleep thinking I'm still sleeping. I sweat out my cold and in a couple of days I was feeling better.

Calleigh really doesn't like being holed up in the apartment all day so I decided to take her out the first chance I got. Here is a pic of my baby asleep in the BabyBjorn. Doesn't seem very comfortable.

The second picture shows Calleigh upgrading from a 5 oz bottle to an 8 oz. A little harder for her to hold but she'll do anything to get that milk in her belly.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Calleigh-Fornia Cruisin'

Look at Calleigh! Learning to cruise already! She's only interested with things up top if it's worth looking at and in the picture it was a packet of mom's "feminine product". Hehe. She loves to grab plastic bags and hear the sound it makes as she is crumpling it up.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Girls Night

Calleigh crashed her Cousin Maci's sleepover, which the girls didn't really seem to mind. Being the first time meeting Calleigh, they were entertained by this little bug sitting around while they chat. It lead me to think that these could be potential baby sitters!

Photo by Victoria Lee

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Doing Nothing Much

A premier production from Bowl of Rice Films, featuring Calleigh Lee, Film Director and Producer Joshua James Lee.

Thumbs Up Doc!

A little overdue with Calleigh's 6MTH checkup but everything looks good. Doc determined that her development is everything that is expected of a 6 month old, keep in mind she was almost 6 weeks early. So, what this meant in my ears was She's advanced!

Note: Calleigh was checking out her own gorgeous body in the mirror. Vanity setting in early.

The Doc was trying to test her ability to stand and I just told the Doc to ask Calleigh to stand by saying, "1, 2, 3.....Stand Up!". The result, the Doc's eyes mimicked those of a Tarsiers. (If you don't know what that is, I included a pic of a Tarsiers here). Doc was happy to see that Calleigh was responding to verbal instructions and so was I. It proved I wasn't making it up. Thanks Calleigh for not making me look like a fool!